Dream Fire

Dream Fire - The fate of the Perfect World is in your hands.
Are you ready to embark on your journey?

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Guild Item Points: 2467
Guild Master: Winterfell__
Char Level Joined at Donated Guild Points Item Points
Winterfell__ 140 2025-03-01 23:44:00 0 2301
LadyArven 140 2025-03-02 19:11:00 0 2046
Win1 140 2025-03-02 19:12:00 0 2058
Win2 140 2025-03-02 21:07:00 0 2058
HATIRANYETER 140 2025-03-03 19:12:00 0 2060
WiLLPoweR 140 2025-03-06 16:40:00 0 2046
Win3 140 2025-03-02 15:41:00 0 1860
MrsLuqies 140 2025-03-03 14:16:00 0 2069
OptimusPrime 140 2025-03-03 15:58:00 0 2209
MR2 140 2025-03-03 17:21:00 0 2046
3MR 140 2025-03-04 04:42:00 0 1860
ShowTime____ 140 2025-03-10 10:57:00 0 2066